Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Vitakraft Menu Hamster Food

Today, I'm going to be doing a review. But before, if your wondering about Mocha, she's sleeping, in her Popsicle house I made her (I think... I can never tell where she is :). Anyways, this is a hamster food that has 5 stars on Petsmart, but they don't even sell it at Petco. Here is a picture- 

First of all, it has peas and corn... Dwarf hamsters can't have peas or corn, because they are prone to diabetes. Because I didn't know that, I went through the "joy" of picking out ALL the peas and corn, and I'm still not done yet! So, that's a con.

Also, overall, my hamster thinks it's OK... She eats all the sunflower seeds like crazy, and some of the other seeds she likes. The "specially fortified pellets" in there, she hates, and will not eat. Now don't get me wrong,  other hamsters have different opinions, but it my opinion, I would rate this hamster food as 3 stars... Sorry Vitakraft, but I will not be buying you again :P.

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  1. Hope you find the puurrrfect food soon!

    1. Haha! Thanks! WE'll keep searching until we find the one!
