Monday, May 27, 2013

Mocha and a very important shoutout

I've finally begun uploading all 556 photos on my iphone onto the computer.. So I actually have some photos of Mocha to share this time. The photos are actually uploading right now, so while we are waiting, I have a very important announcement to make...

I have a Shoutout to make!!! 
Yes, it's true. I have a friend that recently contacted me, and she wanted to give me a shoutout. To repay her, I wanted to give her a shout out too. Follow her! And please don't go and start asking her for shoutouts... That would get annoying! But anyways, here is her blog link-

All rights of the picture go to Daisy and Cress (and their owner).

It's about guinea pigs, not hamsters, but her blog is so stinking cute! PLEASE follow her! Her blog rocks :D.


Now for the cute pictures. They finally are done. They aren't the best, because Mocha is still a little skittish. And because I was taking it on my iPhone, which isn't the best picture taker...

I swear, I'll get better pictures. Sorry about that......... Well, more coming soon!
Comment, follow, and share


  1. Thank you so much! I'll do your shout out tomorrow as ive done a post today. Thank you again! and mocha is so cute!
