Friday, October 18, 2013

***SLACKER ALERT*** And surprise pictures

Oh my gosh guys. How did it get this far?! My last post was in August... now it's October! I know, I've been slacking. But my schedule lately has been insane! And I don't know about everyone else, but here in America, we get HOURS  of homework. I can't say sorry enough. For example, I did four projects yesterday. Talk about over-scheduled.
     Don't worry though, Mocha still has my attention :). I tried to do some fall pictures, but they didn't exactly work out... well... I'll just let the photos explain that.
P.S. I forgot to show you the dog pictures from when I dog sat... oops!

Hope you guys enjoyed! I'll try to post more often, but with my teachers, I don't know if that will be possible. My goal will be to at least post once a week though :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos,this is a busy time for you with school work and Mocha,so don't worry just post when you can nobody expects more than that,but it is nice to see that adorable little face again,xx Rachel and Speedy
