Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm coming back!

Hi guys!!!

So I decided that being a blogger is too much fun to give up. I missed blogging during that year long break. So let's do some more updates-

I WILL be blogging at least once a week. I decided to be home schooled this year so that I can devote more time to blogging and.....


That's right, YouTube is back. But I switched channels. So now, you can find my Youtube Here (<<click) . I will try to do vids weekly, but I dunno if I can or not.

I'm also changing the name of this blog, back to Hamsterpedia, just so I don't have to change it ever time a hamster passes.

Now, I have a question for you. Do you guys have any Halloween theme ideas for my cage? I would love to have it be completely Halloween themed.

1 comment:

  1. My computer says "This channel doesn't exist"!!!
