Saturday, May 25, 2013

Winter White dwarf hamster

I got it! My little ball of joy is safe at home. I'll try to upload pictures soon. She's got an attitude, that's for sure. She's so sweet though. She's even already tamed! I've held her, my baby brothers held her, my mom, but my dad still is unsure :P. Haha. When I couldn't find her, I dug through the cage, and found her sleeping. I accidently woke her up, and she got MAD! She snapped, but no bites or nibbles. She sooo stinking cute. She finally went back to sleep, after eating. I've ordered a ton of stuff off Amazon, including a wheel, ball, hideout (she has a homemade one right now), and a ton of other stuff. She is going to be spoiled rotten. I finally chose a name for her. Her name is White Chocolate Mocha, but Mocha for short. I still can't believe she is already tame, although I haven't really gotten to know her yet. I'll have to try some more games with her tonight when she won't squeal at me ;). I'll keep you all posted!


  1. What cage is good for dwarf hamsters?

    1. This is the same "anonymous" by the way. I already have 2 guinea pigs, but I really want a hamster too! I used to want a gerbil, but mum doesnt like gerbils. She said she didn't want another pet. So now I've been looking into hamsters as they dont have the same mouse/rat appearance. So, how can I persuade mum to let me have one? I look after the guinea pigs well. I would put the hamster in my room. Mum would probably be worried about the smell and noise (as they are nocturnal). What could I do? Also, she says that if i have more love to give to a pet, I should spend it on the guinea pigs.

    2. Well, people have their own opinions of what's best. Bin cages are "in" right now. There are a ton of YouTube videos on bin cages. Also, aquariums work well, too. Most people say 360 sq in at least for hamsters, but I disagree. I DO NOT have enough room for something that big! Just try to get something as big as you can. Also, the cages with tubes (I bought one on It should be coming soon :) are great, but only for dwarf hamsters. A Syrian could get stuck and die... And we don't want that! The really cheap "hamster cages" are the thing that you can't use. I'm using that right now, but only until Wednesday or Thursday when I get my new cage. Hope that answered your question!

  2. I know how you feel :). I have heard a ton of things that worked. People working around the house, getting good grades (what I did), making posters, making powerpoints, joining hamster forums to show their parents how much they care, making hamster binders, etc. Go ahead and show your mom this blog if you want to! Also, I would join
    A lot of people on there have the same question/ hamster problem as you. About the noise, my winter white never wakes me up in the middle of the night... she's pretty lazy :P. Also, try offering to PAY for everything. That's the most common thing that works. Thanks for visiting my blog! Share! If you have any other questions, feel free to comment some more! I will (try to) answer in the next 24 hours, although probably in the next 5 hours, since I get an email when people comment, and let me tell you, I love the feeling! I love that people want to know more about hamsters before getting their royal fluffiness :). So thanks for visiting!

    1. If you want, i can do you a shout out on my blog, although not many people read it. You could add a follower widgit and then i will follow you. Thanks for the tips! I am commenting now using my blog, so you can check it out if you want, but this is still the same person! Do you want the shout out?

  3. Hey! I would love a shout out! Thanks for the offer! As long as your fine with it, I'll give you a shout out too. I checked out your blog, and it's great! I love how you make it so that the guinea pigs are the ones talking, it's super cute! I'm guessing that I have to have a Google Plus account to get a follower widget. I'll join right now :). I'll follow you too. Do you want a shout out?

    1. Yeah, that would be great! I dont think you need Google plus to get a follower widget though. Hang in there and ill check how to get one

    2. Do you know what the actual widget is called? I could search it and find it if you knew the name.

  4. Ok! Great! I'm looking right now too :).

  5. The widget is called Followers. You just go to layout and add it
    I think

    1. Yeah.. I need a google plus. I'll get one right now :)

  6. If you could do a post including some pictures of Mocha, that would be great too!

  7. Totally! I really need to upload her on here! I'll do it as soon as I get my Google Plus.

    1. Ok thats great! then I could use some for the shout out

    2. I just joined Google Plus. now let me see if I can get the widget.
      P.S. I started following you :)

    3. Hmmm... I added the followers, but it doesn't look right...

  8. I think that's a different type of followers

  9. Can't find it :(. I'll worry about that later though. I'll upload the pictures right now.

    1. You go onto layout, then add gadget, then more gadgets, then scroll untill you reach followers. And ok:)

  10. Sorry. It's taking a while because the pics are on my iPhone and it's taking FOREVER!!!

    1. Btw if you noticed my name changed, it's because of my email. I'm still the same person :)
